Sen. Clark Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine

Ben Clark
Sen. Clark Statements
Dec 14, 2020


December 14, 2020

Raeford, NC

Today is an exciting day in NC. The first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have reached the state and will be provided to high-risk individuals and essential workers. Sen. Clark will receive the vaccine when he is eligible, confident that the science is sound and the vaccine is safe.

Sen. Clark stated, “It has been a challenge to mask and socially distance at home, but as a member of a multi-generational household, we’ve had no other choice to keep one another safe. I look forward to the day when some sense of normalcy can return. The vaccine is an important first step.”

Sen. Clark thanked the science and healthcare communities for their hard work and Gov. Roy Cooper and DHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen for their leadership during this process.

